Year ending example sentences

For example, in the Receipt and Payment account for the year ending on March 31, 2007, we record the total subscriptions received during 2006–07 including the amounts related to the years 2005–2006 and 2007-200 Similarly, taxes paid during 2006–07 even if they relate to the years 2005–06 and 2007–2008 can also be recorded in this account of 2006-0 It includes all receipts and payments whether they are of capital nature or of revenue nature.For example, rent for the month of March 2005, even if received in April 2005, will be taken into the profit and loss account of the financial year ending March 31, 2005 and not into financial year beginning with April 200 Similarly, if interest for April 2005 is received in advance in March 2005, it will be taken to the profit and loss account of the financial year ending March 200 There are some exceptions to this general rule of revenue recognition.For example, in the Receipt and Payment account for the year ending on March 31, 2007, we record the total subscriptions received during 2006–07 including the amounts related to the years 2005–2006 and 2007-200 Similarly, taxes paid during 2006–07 even if they relate to the years 2005–06 and 2007–2008 can also be recorded in this account of 2006-0 It includes all receipts and payments whether they are of capital nature or of revenue nature.

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